Posted by Mike Poe on 11/02/06 10:42
I found a private messaging script online which I've modified to allow
my friends to attach files when they send me a message. It seems to
work great for text files, pictures, etc - basically everything I've
tested except for PDF files.
When I try to upload a PDF file with the script, 9 times out of 10, the
contents of the PDF (glyph-like characters) end up getting printed out
on the screen in my browser. A few other times, nothing at all happens
(the script just doesn't seem to finish running).
The pertinent parts of my HTML form:
<form name="form1" method="post" action="index.php"
<td width='50'><input type="file" name="binFile" class="box" size="25"
And here's the PHP that inserts it to the database:
$Query11 = "INSERT INTO ".MESSAGES_TABLE." (date, recipient,
sender, subject, body, unread, folder, bin_data, filename, filesize,
VALUES(".TIME.", '".$Row5['user']."',
'".COOKIE_USER."', '".addslashes($_POST['subject'])."',
'".addslashes($_POST['body'])."', '".$unread."', '".$folder."',
'".addslashes(fread(fopen($binFile, "r"), filesize($binFile)))."',
'".$binFile_name."', '".$binFile_size."', '".$binFile_type."')";
Are PDFs oddball files, or am I doing something wrong with my query?
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