Posted by BootNic on 11/02/06 19:12
> Dave Kelly <daveekelly@earthlink.net> wrote:
> news: MSq2h.1553$l25.782@newsread4.news.pas.earthlink.net
> I am in over my head and not sure where to read for help. I
> maintain a web site. One of the pages displays as I want it in linux
> Foxfire but not in XP IE.
> http://www.texasflyfishers.org/misc.htm
> In Firefox:
> header across the top
> column down each side
> text label in the middle
> table in the middle
> footer across the bottom
> In IE:
> header across the top
> column down each side
> text label in the middle - large size taking 2 lines
> table aligning with bottom of longest column
> footer across the bottom
> The associated CSS sheet is viewable at:
> http://www.texasflyfishers.org/misc.css
> I have run 'misc.htm' through W3 and it validates.
> I have run 'misc.css' through W3 and it validates but get 18
> warnings.
> I don't have an XP machine, I have to goto the neighbors and use hers
> to test.
> What do I need to do to get that page to display the same as
> firefox?
> Dave
IE 3px gap
<!--[if gte IE 5.5 & lte IE 6]>
<style type="text/css">
table {
margin:0 -3px 0 -3px;
I don't see any good reason for the width=100% on the table, suggest
it be removed.
The links on the side jump about on hover, unless that is a feature,
give the links a bottom border the same color as the background to
prevent that.
BootNic Thursday, November 02, 2006 2:11 PM
Happiness for the average person may be said to flow largely from
common sense - adapting one-self to circumstances - and a sense of
*Beatrice Lillie (1898-1989) English comedienne*
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