Posted by CRON on 11/02/06 22:35
Hi Ben Thanks for the reply,
> > table-layout:fixed works
> Does that actually break long words? Or just clip them?
Yes if you use table-layout:fixed it has the same effect as setting the
width of the cell. In Firefox, it leaves the cell the same size and
overflow:visibles the content ... if u get me?
> I didn't think you could ever break long words in CSS 2.1, but IE does
> have some extra non-standard properties for specifying that (I think it
> might be the text-overflow property).
I havent tried overflows yet - I might have a look at it. even if it
only works for IE it's better than nothing.
> The only other possibility is to insert breaking zero width space
> characters between each character in the content. But I think you said
> you didn't want to change all the content.
How does this work? it moght not work but I'd be interested for future
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