Posted by Beauregard T. Shagnasty on 11/02/06 23:03
Dave Kelly wrote:
> I am in over my head and not sure where to read for help. I maintain a
> web site. One of the pages displays as I want it in linux Foxfire but
> not in XP IE.
> http://www.texasflyfishers.org/misc.htm
The page looks nearly the same to me in Firefox and IE6, given a
sufficiently wide browser window. Narrowing to around 750px it starts to
fall apart. Why not study this template for some better ideas on sizing
and positioning? Let it float.
Some other comments:
a. Your footer links/text is 70% of 0.8em, definitely in
the micro-flyspeck range. I can't come close to reading it.
And the links disappear when hovered.
b. Helvetica is not a standard Windows font; you need to specify
font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
I use "Trebuchet MS", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
c. font:normal 0.8em/1.2em verdana,aria,sans-serif;
1. "aria" is misspelled.
2. Verdana? http://k75s.home.att.net/fontsize.html#verdana
3. the 1.2em line-height causes text overlap in narrow windows
and the height itself is normally never needed.
4. use 100% for everything except headings and footers, see
my fontsize page
d. Stop thinking of precise pixel positioning, it's a lost cause.
e. The hover effect in the two columns is not pleasant.
-Motorcycles defy gravity; cars just suck
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