Posted by David on 11/02/06 19:08
Would this allow someone to download the file from a link on a web
page? I need to allow downloads but not direct web access to the
On 2 Nov 2006 00:54:47 -0800, "whiskey" <alex.habar.nam@gmail.com>
>Well, you can protect the files from direct access by adding in your
>.htaccess file:
><FilesMatch "whateveryouwannaprotect">
> Order deny,allow
> Deny from all
>Say you wanna protect all the files with the .ext extension. I guess
>that'll look like:
><FilesMatch "\.(ext)$">
> Order deny,allow
> Deny from all
>Of course, you need the privilege to overwrite those setings.
>On Nov 2, 8:08 am, David <d...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> Is there a way to download a file from a directory not in the server's
>> path? Eg. not under public_html? This would be for security so that
>> the files can never be directly access vial the web.
>> I did a search on PHP + download but this garnered many unless web
>> sites.
>> Thanks
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