Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 11/04/06 02:51
whiskey wrote:
> All this explanations, OOP at a glance, seem futile to me. OOP ain't
> that simple. So a book is recommended. Not only about classes and
> objects, but about interfaces, inheritance, polymorphism, and so on and
> so forth. I'm working with classes and objects for 3 years now and I
> still have problems with object oriented thinking.
> And books, well... I can't think of a suggestion. My first language was
> C++, and my first OOP steps were from "Jamsa's C/C++ Programmer's
> Bible". The rest is history :-D
> And, btw, cyk...@hotmail.com, learn a true programming language (not
> JavaScript), such as C or C++, start with the beginning (procedural
> programming) and then think of OOP. It's not something you learn in 24
> hours.
OOP is quite easy - but it's a different way of thinking. And the longer
you've been doing procedural programming, the harder time you'll
probably have getting a handle on it.
Simply put, variables have states (values). Functions have behavior
(they do things). Objects have both states and behavior. You can save
one or more values in it (depending on how it's designed) and it has
behavior as defined by its public function.
Really, even an integer can be considered a class. You can instantiate
it to get a variable (object). It has state (it's value) and behavior
(add, subtract, etc.). Classes are just a way of extending what the
language predefines into something the programmer can define.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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