Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 11/04/06 16:28
solly@nine.com wrote:
> In article <1162457687.087294.77120@h48g2000cwc.googlegroups.com>,
> alex.habar.nam@gmail.com says...
>>Well, you can protect the files from direct access by adding in your
>>.htaccess file:
>><FilesMatch "whateveryouwannaprotect">
>> Order deny,allow
>> Deny from all
>>Say you wanna protect all the files with the .ext extension. I guess
>>that'll look like:
>><FilesMatch "\.(ext)$">
>> Order deny,allow
>> Deny from all
> Can this be done so that all files in a directory can only be
> read/written to copied moved or otherwise got at by php and apache
> and nothing else (appart from ftp access to edit them) ?
> I'm confused completely by the .htaccess language !
> ------------Solly-------------------------
> "Oh yeah I remember (I just cant remember what it is I forgot)
But this isn't a PHP question. It's apache configuration, so try
alt.apache.configuration. You'll get better help.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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