Posted by J.O. Aho on 11/04/06 17:06
nawfer wrote:
> if the table mysql has 4 field so:
> ID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
> camp2 varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
> camp3 int(11) NULL default '',
> camp4 varchar(10) NULL default '',
> KEY camp3 (camp3)
> why it does not make me to update camp3 and 4 with a value null or ''
> do not work:
> UPDATE $my_var_tabella
> SET camp3 = '', camp4 = ''
> WHERE ID = $my_var_number
> also writing
> SET camp3 = NULL, camp4 = NULL not work
> where is the error?
> instead if I insert some data it works:
> SET camp3 = $id_number, camp4 = $name_text
> not want '' or NULL, even if with CREATE TABLE I have insert in
> camp3 and 4 this '' how default
Do a table like this instead:
> ID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
> camp2 varchar(10) default '',
> camp3 int(11) default '',
> camp4 varchar(10) default '',
And you should get rid of you troubles.
KEY and NULL don't work that well together.
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