Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 11/06/06 12:37
John Dunlop wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle:
> [re W3Schools' PHP tutorial]
>>Another poster disparaged this course without even looking at it,
> Talking about me? Either (a) you've spectacularly misconstrued my
> remarks, in which case I can only point out that what I was talking
> about was not specifically their PHP tutorial - I haven't even read it,
> ferchrissakes! - but W3Schools in general; or (b) you've made egregious
> logical leaps and bounds, without so much as the shame to cover them
> up, to arrive at the conclusion that I "disparaged" their PHP tutorial.
> Put words in my mouth if you like, Jerry, but the thread is there for
> all to read. Where I said that I wouldn't recommend W3Schools, I also
> qualified my statement with 'especially if their HTML tutorial is
> anything to go by'. In other words, if the quality of their HTML
> tutorial is representative of their other tutorials - and this
> condition I made explicit - there are probably more technically
> accurate and less misleading Websites to recommend. Besides, to drag
> this thread kicking and screaming on-topic, I _encouraged_ discussion
> of their PHP tutorial.
>>based on what he's heard about their HTML course.
> Me again? More what I've read than what I've heard. Their HTML
> tutorial is shamateurish.
Yes, John, I'm talking about you. The discussion was about PHP
tutorials, and Erwin the courses at w3schools.
And you had to hop in there and comment about how you would not
recommend w3schools - based on your experience with a single course.
And you don't offer any alternatives.
And if you have a problem with one Microsoft product, do you claim ALL
products from Microsoft are bad? Or if you use one thing from
HotScripts, SourceForge or whatever, do you claim everything they have
is terrible?
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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