Posted by dorayme on 11/06/06 21:47
In article
patrick j <patrick@jamesnews.orangehome.co.uk> wrote:
> On Mon, 6 Nov 2006 09:29:42 +0000, Dylan Parry wrote
> (in article <4r8djnFqac9fU1@individual.net>):
> > dorayme wrote:
> >
> >> http://members.optushome.com.au/droovies/test/footer.html
> >
> > No one else seems to have mentioned this, but the second example doesn't
> > work properly in IE7 (default settings, WS2003). In that example, the
> > text is cut-off at the bottom.
> And if you zoom in IE7 then all manner of issues arise with the
> horizontal list.
> I had this problem with the horizontal lists on my web-site and this
> was solved by BootNic in the recent thread:
> "IE7 zoom messes up horizontal lists"
> What is required is a separate style-sheet for IE7 with this
> declaration { zoom: 100%; } the the selector ul and li.
> In addition create a separate padding declaration for the li selector
> in the IE 7 style-sheet and then muck about a bit until it works.
I assume it does not muck up the simple top footer?
Yes, I was most interested in that thread [1] and what old
Bootnic said (I think it was Bootnic). Thanks for reminding me of
this re list. I will put something in along the lines suggested
by Bootnic. Hang on... why not right now...
ok, done, I left out the margin bit Bootnic put, not
investigating the effect of this for now. Does this make the list
re zoom in 7 behave?
Something I cannot test as I have 2000 on my Winbox. But if IE7
becomes quite popular, I suppose I will consider upgrading OS.
[1] My first experience with IE7 was when I went around to a
friend's house and he had just downloaded it on his new Winbox. I
sat hearing him curse in the foulest way about it, but the
cursiest were about the zoom feature, what it did to lists, menus
and other texty things. It did not help his mood (he is a bit of
a stickler for good practice) that my sites, many of the parts of
which have not been updated to "best practice", did not suffer so
much (because using good old tables, or simply not using inline
lists and stuff) <g>
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