Posted by dorayme on 11/07/06 23:52
In article
"Beauregard T. Shagnasty" <a.nony.mous@example.invalid> wrote:
> Bergamot wrote:
> > Vince Morgan wrote:
> >>
> >> The following URL would be worth your reading I think Henry.
> >> http://www.clickz.com/showPage.html?page=838731
> >
> > That article is more than 5 years old. A lot can happen in that time.
> Do you think Times New Roman has become more legible or better looking
> in the last five years? And in those years, people's eyesight is
> probably still at the same average level as then.
> 9pt text is still too small. ;-)
The idea of serif fonts is to increase legibility at small sizes.
At least this seems to work out in practice in print mediums,
where crucially, the only resource for enlargement is to fossick
around for a magnifying glass (and then people think you are
Sherlock Holmes and start pestering you). But screens and pixel
formations and resolutions throw in other factors (like do the
serifs "show themselves" as well) as does the fact that some
people will see the text at sufficiently big sizes that it is not
needed, even ugly, to see in serif.
In other words it is a complicated business. Just use Arial and
let's all shurrup...
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