Posted by John Dunlop on 11/08/06 09:55
Jerry Stuckle:
[after I said that I don't think I would recommend W3Schools - J.D.]
> Based on a single course.
Here's what I meant. If W3Schools - that group of three Norwegian
authors - allows an HTML tutorial of that quality to be associated with
them, I would be wary of other tutorials written by them. That's all.
You then read far too much between the lines and decided that in saying
this I "disparaged" their PHP tutorial.
> If you're going to criticize, you should offer alternatives.
Don't you think criticism alone could help someone? If nothing else,
wouldn't it make someone think twice about W3Schools who would
otherwise take what they say as gospel?
> Otherwise you're just trolling.
Can't we keep this civilised?
> But you tell people not to recommend w3schools based on what you admit
> is looking at a single course.
Geez, Jerry, you ain't half draggin' this out! Nowhere did I _tell_
anyone not to recommend W3Schools. I said that I don't think _I_ would
recommend it, 'especially if their HTML tutorial is anything to go by'.
Like it or lump it.
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