Posted by SpaceGirl on 06/19/05 13:57
Els wrote:
> Travis Newbury wrote:
>>Spartanicus wrote:
>>>>Is there a way to check if the user has flash installed so that you can say
>>>>if they have flash then show flash else show jpg
>>><object data="flash.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
>>>width="100" height="100">
>>><img src="jpeg.jpg" width="100" height="100" alt="alt text">
>>Only works is the don't have flash installed. If they have the wrong
>>version of flash it doesn't work.
> That's something I encounter quite often, actually. Isn't it possible
> to cater for those occurences too?
You can write a little JS to trap the Flash version. If they dont have
js installed either... well you have to add a js trap as well :)
x theSpaceGirl (miranda)
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