Posted by Dan Guzman on 11/09/06 13:10
To add on to Eland's response, the ANSI standard QUOTED IDENTIFIER ON allows
you to use SQL Server features line indexes on views and computed columns.
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
<othellomy@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Nevermind. Following worked:
> insert mytable values (3,"'",getdate())
> othell...@yahoo.com wrote:
>> How do I insert a single quote ' into a table? For example:
>> Insert mytable values (1,''')
>> I get an error message.
>> Any ideas? The server does not recognize double quote (why? is this
>> tsql, ansi?), otherwise I could have written it as:
>> Insert mytable values (1,"'")
>> Thanks.
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