Posted by figital on 11/09/06 19:24
Let us know if this helps at all. I would think (though I really don't
know) that you are changing something more like a "niceness" or
priority than anything else. That is, if the server is more idle at
night anyway, then the db can have all the resources it wants, without
specifically requesting it. If this is accurate, I would expect that
changing the cpu settings would have little effect.
Like I said, though, I'm not familiar with this setting.
On Nov 7, 9:16 am, "rcamarda" <robc...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> In SQL Server 2005 Enterprise, I can change the CPU affinity via
> Management Studio. Is there a way that I can change these settings via
> t-sql?
> I wish to use all my cpu's at night when my data warehouse builds and
> then durning the day reduce the number of cpus for SQL so that the
> application can get more time.
> Rob
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