Posted by Bergamot on 11/10/06 14:46
Travis Newbury wrote:
> If a company switched from a "everyone in the freeking world can
> see it" website to a Flash website and their revenue increases. Is it
> a good thing or a bad thing?
> And how would you justify to the stock holders (owners, mom and pop,
I am often curious about the decision to switch from HTML to an all
Flash site in the first place, particularly for mom and pop type of
operations. Your argument sounds like it's a given that Flash will be
automatically better. Are you so sure?
Have these owners actually done any research that indicates their
revenue will increase, or are they doing it just because they think it's
the kewl thing to do, or because there are some developmental advantages
with Flash (and users aren't a significant part of the equation)?
I suspect it's less the first and more the other reasons, but that's
just an opinion based on Flash sites I've come across in the past. Flash
isn't for everyone, and unless they've actually done the research, they
may be throwing money out the window.
> What argument would you use to convince me to make LESS money so more
> people can see the site?
If the client hasn't done their homework, what argument would you use to
convince me that they will make more money just because it's Flash?
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