Posted by Double Echo on 11/12/06 15:54
well, you're not that coo foo cuz u don no shi.
u shd instl perl 2 it rox n u can make sum relly cool scrips-n-shi-wi-ih-haw!.
php iz ez fo da web bu perl iz ez 4 da scrip master on da-cmd-lyn-rok-it-yall.
l8r coo foo
thecoolone wrote:
> I had installed FoxServ which included php /mysql / apache / perl and
> python.
> I wont be using perl and python at all. I tried backing mysql database
> from another machine using mysqldump but then i had problems backing
> the db coz the mysql version was giving an error saying " Query Empty
> at line 4".
> So i dloaded the latest mysql 5.0 package from the mysql website.
> And php and mysql works fine. But the problem now is that the
> phpMyadmin is no longer working. It gives the error "phpMyAdmin - error
> Could not load any language, please check your language settings and
> folder".
> And also winMysqladmin is no longer detecting the latest mysql server.
> What went wrong. What should i do to make phpMyadmin and winMysqladmin
> working as it was before i upgraded mysql.
> Note: upgrading was essential for me to be able to backup the database
> which is required.
> any settings i need to change in the config files???
> any help wud be much appreciated.
> thanx in advance
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