Posted by wesley on 11/13/06 08:52
kenoli wrote:
> What's the best way to pass an array or variable between pages or
> scripts on different pages? For instance, I have tried to separate out
> my html from my process scripts so that I can edit and stylel the html
> pages more easily and so that I can keep all my scripts and functions
> together where it is easy to find them.
> This results in my creating some variables which I then need to pass to
> one of the html pages to provide content for those pages. I'm not sure
> what the proper approach is to making these variables accessible on
> those pages.
> I know making them global variables achieves this goal, though I always
> hear, "Don't make variables global!"
> --Kenoli
I know of two ways to achieve this, you could use a form and place the
values into a textfield and read it off from the next page. I would not
recommend doing that.
The next way is to use session control. The vaiables from the first
page will be able to be view on the next page with ease.
For more info visit http://www.tizag.com/phpT/phpsessions.php
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