Posted by juglesh on 11/14/06 05:40
My function tests your human-ness, and if youre human, thanks you for
taking the test and displays the email address. Also, if you have
proven your humanity, the next time you come to the contact page, you
will be recognized by a coookie, and given the address without the
//required for cookies to work
// including file must start output buffer - ob_start();
function spamProofEmail(){
$explanation = "
<p>Email Address:</p>
<p>Sorry, We get too much spam. <br>
You'll have to pass a little test to make sure <br>
you're human, and not a spam-bot.<br></p>";
$emailaddress = 'Dude@ExampleDomain.com';// use StudlyCaps,
$thehumanstring = 'surfsup';
$formtext = "Please type the word <strong>$thehumanstring</strong> in
the box";
$thenclick = "Then click here to get our email address.";
$sorry = "Sorry, I guess you didnt pass the test, please try again.";
$thankyou = '<BR>Thank you.<BR>';
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
$thehumanstring = strtolower($thehumanstring);
$postlower = strtolower($_POST['humanstring']);
$formaction = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if ($postlower == $thehumanstring){
setcookie("spambotno", "spambotno", time()+60*60*24*100, "/");
$speHTML .= $thankyou;
if (($_COOKIE['spambotno'] == "spambotno") OR ($postlower ==
$emaillower = strtolower($emailaddress);
$speHTML .= '<BR><a
return $speHTML;
if (($_COOKIE['spambotno'] != "spambotno") && ($postlower !=
$speHTML .= $explanation;}
if (isset($_POST['humanstring'])){
if ($postlower != $thehumanstring){
$speHTML .= $sorry;}}
if (($_COOKIE['spambotno'] != "spambotno") && ($postlower !=
$speHTML .='
<form name="the_form" action="'.$formaction.'" method="POST">
'.$formtext.' <br>
<input type="text" name="humanstring" size="30">
<br />
<input type="submit" value="'.$thenclick.'">
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
return $speHTML;
This is our contact page:
<?php echo spamProofEmail(); ?>
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