Posted by Dag Sunde on 11/14/06 15:51
James wrote:
> Hello, as this falls under both VB and PHP I have posted this into two
> newsgroups (this is the first time I've done this so if it is mucked
> up then I'm sorry).
> Anyway I want to make some simple games with in VB 6.0 and then I want
> the highscores to go to the server (which uses PHP and MySQL). And if
> its possible I would also like the highscores to be viewable on the
> program AND on my site.
> PHP Part:
> I think I need to set MySQL up so it can be accesssed from outside of
> the server, but I'm not sure.
Are you saying that your VB apps are installed on the users machines,
but that you want the high-scores to be saved on the mySQL database
residing on your web-server?
If so, write a php-script that takes i.e. username and highscore as
params, and make that phpscript do the db-writing on the server.
From vb, use the XmlHttp object or one of its siblings to POST
the data to this php-script on the server.
To view the high-scores, use the same principle. (Do it from php, and
when your vb client needs it, Use HTTP).
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