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Two variables in one table cell

Posted by H@C0 on 11/14/06 12:59

Thanks for the quick response. It is simpler than I thought.

On Tue, 14 Nov 2006 13:37:31 +0100, "J.O. Aho" <> wrote:

>H@C0 wrote:
>> echo "<td class=\"DataTD\" colspan=\"3\"> $var1 $var2 </td>";
>> The result is that the output of the variables are placed side by side.
>> How can I place them under each other?
>This isn't really a PHP question but a HTML question.
>The answer is to use the br-tag (break line)
>echo "<td class=\"DataTD\" colspan=\"3\"> $var1<br>$var2 </td>";
> //Aho



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