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Re: controlling the copying of images from a site

Posted by David Gillen on 11/16/06 17:14

An noise sounding like mantrid said:
> Thanks for all the feedback. its been interesting finding out all the things
> you can do even if in the end you cant make it 100% secure. That is not
> important really so long as the average surfer is unable to, or cant be
> bothered finding out how to.
> IThe solution i opted for was to create a thumbnail at the same time as the
> full size image is uploaded and have the thumbnail displayed and the full
> size image only accessible to registered users. It works fine.
> Thanks again I havent had a post that had so much feedback :)
Despite all my posting in the thread of how to "protect" your images, it was
really me just showing different approaches you could take, the bottom line is
the "average surfer" can very trivially get copies of your images.

If you want to protect them consider adding water marks. My understanding is
that then you can at least prove that an image was originally yours. but like
anything I would be surprised if there wasn't a way to circumvent that.


Trees with square roots don't have very natural logs.
What's the difference between ignorance and apathy? Who knows? Who cares?



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