Posted by rich on 11/17/06 18:34
Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> That's a lot of messages to be handling. How are they getting to your
> server - via web pages, a socket, or some other means? That will make a
> difference.
All http requests.. about half and half post and get.
> From the MySQL end, you should start by ensuring you're using good
> programming practices. Things like closing the database connection as
> soon as you're through with it, rather than waiting until the end of the
> script (or even worse, depending on the garbage collector to do it for you.
Yeah when the reality of the traffic hit me the other night with 3 db
crashes in a row, i made sure there's no way a close doesn't happen.
> Personally, I like writing data to a "scratch" table in MySQL. This
> would be a MyISAM table with no indexes. It may only have two columns -
> an id and unparsed data, or, if the data are always the same, it could
> have several columns.
Very good suggestion... I'll throw that in my list of possibilities i'm
going back and forth on. Thank you.
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