Posted by petersprc on 11/19/06 10:26
You probably won't notice any performance issues unless you have
enormously high request volume... str_replace would be faster than a
regex in general. There's also Smarty templates and straight PHP like
foreach ($subscriptions as $sub) {
$text = ob_get_contents();
mail($sub['email'], 'Subscription Confirmation', $text,
"From: My Site <info@mysite.com>");
Dear <?= $sub['name'] ?>: You subscribed to <?= $sub['list'] ?>.
Erwin Moller wrote:
> Hi Group,
> At the moment I am developing a app that uses templates.
> In the templates I have placeholders like this:
> Dear ***FIRSTNAME***<br>
> You have subscribed to ***LISTSUBSRIBE***.
> etc
> The ***XXXX*** must be replaced with values created in my script.
> I am a bit worried about the speed and wonder which approach will be
> fastest.
> A straightforward solution would be to run a
> str_replace($arrSearch,$arrReplace), where
> $arrSearch contains the strings to be replaced by the corresponding values
> in $arrReplace.
> Is this a fast solution?
> Will a regexpression approach be faster?
> Does anybody have experience with this or advise?
> Or should I just try a few and benchmark it?
> TIA!
> Regards,
> Erwin Moller
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