Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 11/19/06 17:33
so many sites so little time wrote:
> i followed erwin mollers advice and started a new thread i dont want it
> to be a fetch array i dont want it to loop i only want 1 row of data
> which is why i just used SELECT
> Pedro Graca wrote:
>>so many sites so little time wrote:
>>>ok here is the code i am working off of and they embed the h3 tag i
>>>dont think larry ulman would lie to me :(
>>Try the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Validator
>>I (almost) never check the dodgeit address.
>>If you *really* need to mail me, use the address in the Reply-To
>>header with a message in *plain* *text* *without* *attachments*.
And you're not going to get any answers on that thread either until you
learn how to post properly.
You need to follow ALL of Erwin's advice. It's good.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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