Posted by Dan Guzman on 11/21/06 13:01
> the time is converted from string.
One method is to build a string containing both date and time in format is
'yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss'. SQL Server can then parse the string into a datetime
value. For example:
@MyDate datetime,
@MyTime datetime,
@MyDateTime datetime
SET @MyDate = '20061121'
SET @MyTime = '12:13:14'
--concatenate date and time strings and assign to datetime data type
SET @MyDateTime =
CONVERT(char(9), @MyDate, 112) +
CONVERT(char(8), @MyTime, 114)
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"paul_zaoldyeck" <niopaul@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> can anyone teach me how to append to datetime data into one.
> the first is a date and the 2nd one is a time.
> the time is converted from string.
> thanks
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