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Re: Cell formatting with CSS => IE minus-sign breaks

Posted by John Hosking on 11/22/06 03:07 wrote:
> If you go to this address you
> will see a table where cells are causing me a problem. When I view the
> table with Firefox the cells with multiple data items format correctly.

When I go there, I only see the cell with "No records returned." in it.
No wrapping/breaking problems there, I'd say. What query were we
supposed to submit?
> 8.59
> -16.28% (The percentage values is change from the number above to the
> number in cell to the left)
> However, when I view the same information using IE the data is displayed
> as:
> 8.69 -
> 16.28% (The minus sign is not attached to the percentage value)
> One of the techs at my institution suggested using style sheets to correct
> the formatting for IE. Can anyone clue me in as the correct selector
> syntax for tables cells?
> David Macias
There was just a thread ("Problem with IE" from a David E. Ross) about
this over in comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html,
Message-ID: <>.

The conclusion there seemed to be to use &minus; or &#8722; instead of
the "-" character.

And in the future, if you think you've got a style sheets question (as
your colleague suggested), there's a newsgroup for that called

And one last thing: I tried a query (using Bus Admin and Public Policy)
and got some result, in which certain columns of the resulting table had
background colors set for them. The problem is that the foreground
colors were not set, so my default-colored text disappeared quite easily
into the backgrounds. If you set one (FG or BG), be sure to set the
other (BG or FG).




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