Posted by Rico on 11/22/06 03:23
Excellent! Thanks David!
"David Browne" <davidbaxterbrowne no potted> wrote in
message news:OTgVwLYDHHA.1196@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> "Rico" <> wrote in message
> news:MSE8h.349364$R63.85587@pd7urf1no...
>> Hello,
>> I have an application that uses SQL Server express. I'd like to be able
>> to package the SQL Server Express set up file and deploy it with my
>> application but all the searching I've done only tells me how to deploy
>> SQL Server Express manually (i.e. how to set it up yourself). I can
>> script my set up to see if an instance of SQL Server Express already
>> exists but if it doesn't, I'd like to know the best way to deploy this on
>> the target machine automatically.
>> Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.
> See:
> Embedding SQL Server Express in Applications
> Embedding SQL Server Express into Custom Applications
> David
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