Posted by Andy Hassall on 11/21/06 20:48
On Tue, 21 Nov 2006 19:48:08 -0000, "David" <dave@moorenet.co.uk> wrote:
> I'm having trouble accessing multiple databases using a single user.
>Basically, I have 2 databases, db1 and db2 and 2 users, user1 and user2.
>Originally these were setup so that user1 would only access db1 and user2
>would only access db2. However, now I want user1 to access both db1 & db2.
>I've used cPanel to declare user1 as a user of db2. However, whenever I try
>to access db2 from user1, I get permission problems.
>I've tried various combinations of mysql_db_select(), mysql_query("USE
>db2Name", $db1link) or just referencing the appropriate table as
>'db2Name.tableName' in my SELECT querys but everytime I get a permission
>denied response.
>Any ideas?. It looks like a cPanel problem to me as it appears that user1 is
>simply not being granted access to db2 despite telling cPanel to do so.
You may get better answers on the MySQL newsgroup comp.databases.mysql as it
seems to be entirely about MySQL permissions - or some sort of cPanel support
The brute-force method to fix it would probably be something like:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON db2.* to 'user1@%';
... from a suitably privileged MySQL connection.
Andy Hassall :: andy@andyh.co.uk :: http://www.andyh.co.uk
http://www.andyhsoftware.co.uk/space :: disk and FTP usage analysis tool
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