Posted by Jerim79 on 11/21/06 21:44
Jerim79 wrote:
> BKDotCom wrote:
> > Jerim79 wrote:
> > >
> > > Oh, I am sorry. I thought this was a newsgroup about PHP. My bad.
> >
> > how many times do we have to explain what mysql_query() returns?
> > You've started a few threads asking the same question.
> > Very similar mysql related questions have also been asked in just the
> > last couple of days.
> > I simply suggest you use your resources a bit better.
> > There's no shortage of documentation and examples.
> Huh? I started another thread about IF/Then when using mysql queries.
> Some code snippets were submitted. That situation has been resolved. As
> far as I know, no one has explained what mysql_query() returns in any
> detail that I wasn't already familiar with.
> I think the statement "how many times do we have to explain what
> mysql_query() returns?" is not only false, but irrelevant to my current
> situation. I may post a lot, but I always keep new threads to new
> issues. I use the existing thread to work on the existing problem. I
> certainly understand the concern of flooding the newsgroup with the
> same topic over and over. However, I feel that I have not done that.
> You may think all my posts are all on the same topic, but I can assure
> you they are not. Perhaps I haven't been expressive enough in
> explaining my problem. My posts may be "simple" to advanced
> programmers, but you can always choose to ignore them. You should never
> discourage people from asking questions. I am a beginner and am running
> across a lot of situations where I can't find anything on point for
> what I am trying to do. Sure I can find "similar" posts, but nothing
> that addresses my concerns. If you know of a post that is precisely on
> point, please let me know , as I have yet to find one.
Okay, the problem has been solved. What I was trying to do was get my
variables from the HTM form into lower case. I would then search a
MySQL database for those values. My associate seemed to think the
database was case sensitive. So I was looking for a way to make sure
that the MySQL query converted everything to lower case. However, while
playing around with it, I got it to work, and didn't have to change the
MySQL query at all. It looks like the database stores the variables in
lower case to begin with.
I was able to run some test data through it, and it always returned the
correct value for the right data which was positive, no matter how I
capitilized it. Wrong data would return the correct value, which in
this case was a negative. So it seems that you don't necessarily have
to modify your MySQL statement. At least I didn't have to.
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