Posted by rehevkor5 on 11/21/06 23:39
Promextheus Xex wrote:
> First php post...
> Hi there,
> I'm writing some code for my website to list people listening to my music. I
> have a loop for an array that dosen't seem to display all people. most of
> the time it resuses to go past 11 even though there are more people. I've
> created a small loop just to list the IP addresses as a test, which works.
> ie:
> $loop = 0; //dummy loop
> variable
> while($loop != $currentlisteners){ //while loop for listeners
> echo "$loop - $hostname[$loop]<br>";
> $loop++;
> }
> When I use the same loop again to get more detailed info, the $loop only
> counts from 0 to about 10 or sometimes more. It's never consistant. I never
> encountered this in any other language before. The $currentlisteners is
> never altered during the loop execution. What I've done was echo $loop to
> see it's progress throughout the loop. This is so frustrating.
> EG:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> $loop = 0; //dummy loop variable
> while($loop != $currentlisteners){ //while loop for listeners
> // Get the surfer's ip address
> $addr = $hostname[$loop];
> $ip = sprintf("%u", ip2long($addr));
> // Load array with start ips
> $row = 1;
> while (($buffer = fgets($handle, 4096)) !== FALSE) {
> $array[$row] = substr($buffer, 1, strpos($buffer, ",") - 1);
> $row++;
> }
> // Locate the row with our ip using bisection
> $row_lower = '0';
> $row_upper = $row;
> while (($row_upper - $row_lower) > 1) {
> $row_midpt = (int) (($row_upper + $row_lower) / 2);
> if ($ip >= $array[$row_midpt]) {
> $row_lower = $row_midpt;
> } else {
> $row_upper = $row_midpt;
> }
> }
> // Read the row with our ip
> rewind($handle);
> $row = 1;
> while ($row <= $row_lower) {
> $buffer = fgets($handle, 4096);
> $row++;
> }
> $buffer = str_replace("\"", "", $buffer);
> $ipdata = explode(",", $buffer);
> echo "<td><font size=1><center>$loop <img
> src='../WhosBeenListening/Flags/$ipdata[4].gif' width='18' height='12'>
> $ipdata[6] - $hostname[$loop]</td>";
> echo "<td><font size=1><center>$useragent[$loop]</td>";
> $sec = $connecttime[$loop];
> $hours = intval(intval($sec) / 3600);
> $hms = str_pad($hours, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT).':';
> $minutes = intval(($sec / 60) % 60);
> $hms .= str_pad($minutes, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT). ':'; // then add to $hms
> (with a leading 0 if needed)
> $seconds = intval($sec % 60); // seconds by 60 and keep the
> remainder
> $hms .= str_pad($seconds, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); // add to $hms, again
> with a leading 0 if needed
> echo "<td><font size=1><center>$hms</td>";
> echo "<td><font size=1><center>$underruns[$loop]</td>";
> echo "</tr>";
> $loop++; //update loop variable
> }
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Is there something wrong with the $loop variable itself? It has not been
> declared (if I can use this term in PHP) in any way. I am using PHP 5 on my
> computer at this time. Here is the link for my site (xex.ca) that shows the
> scripting results. If there are more than 10 people listening to that one
> perticular stream then you will see the problem. If I get it working then I
> will use the same code for all the streams to get a total info page.
> I am altering
> and adding to code I found on the net.
> Any help is appriciated.
> - Prometheus Xex
> P.S. If this is the wrong group for this kind of help, then please redirect
> me to a more appropriate place.
In addition to printing out $loop in each iteration, you should also
print out $currentlisteners at the beginning to make sure it has the
value you're expecting.
One thing I think you should do no matter what is change your while()
loop to a for() loop, like so:
for($loop = 0; $loop < $currentlisteners; $loop++)
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