Posted by Erwin Moller on 11/23/06 10:58
howa wrote:
> ini_set( "short_open_tag", 1 );
> phpinfo();
> still showing 'off'
ini_set() doesn't change the settings in php.ini.
It just (tries) to overwrite some value in php.ini for the duration of the
script that contains that ini_set().
And that is good. If everybody (on a shared hosting environment) could
change the real php.ini (by using ini_set), development would become very
troublesome because php.ini changes a lot. :-)
Erwin Moller
PS: Overwriting short_open_tags is not very usefull, since this setting
should be known by PHP before parsing the php-file.
It is better to ALWAYS use <?php instead of relying on short open tags.
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