Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 11/23/06 13:02
Sandman wrote:
> So, I have this content management system I've developed myself. The
> system has a solid community part where members can register and then
> participate in forums, write weblogs and a ton of other things.
> So, in instances where I list, for example, the latest weblogs. I list
> the headline of the weblog, the date and the name of the member who
> wrote it.
> Now, the name isn't just "Smith", but rather Smith's online status,
> his nick and his "label", and can look like this:
> <image> Smith M:34 (Newbie)
> The image is either a green or red dot depicting his online status.
> When I want to display this, I use this function:
> print member_name(12);
> With 12 being the id number of Smith, and the only information about
> the writer of the weblog (i.e. I don't save his nick or label in the
> weblog post, and certainly not his online status).
> So, when using member_name() I look up the id 12 in a prefetched array
> of members, displaying the correct information. In a compact format:
> ## index.php
> require_once("member.php");
> print member_name(12);
> ## member.php
> $q=mysql_query("select id, name, label from members");
> while ($r=mysql_fetch_assoc($q)){
> $GLOBALS["members"][$r["id"]] = $r;
> }
> function member_name($id){
> $m = $GLOBALS["members"][$id];
> $online = in_array($id, $GLOBALS["surfers"]) ? "on" : "off";
> return icon("online/$online") . " $m[name] $m[label]";
> }
> ##
> So, whenever requiring member.php, all members are prefetched and put
> into $GLOBALS["members"], which has worked just fine. Then I have
> infromation about any given member at my fingertips.
> But now I have some sites which are beginning to get a pretty large
> number of members, so prefetching them all becomes timeconsuming
> (sometimes up to one second, which is unacceptably slow).
> I can't fetch information about each single individual at the point of
> showin his or hers information since there can be long lists of for
> example weblogs and there might be 40-50 member names to be shown,
> which would result in 40-50 seperate mysql requests, which would flood
> the MySSQL server, I'm afraid.
> So, my question is this; what other way can I do this in? Is there a
> faster way to read thousands or even tens of thousands of information
> points and put them in an array quickly?
> Or is there a better way to read information about single members at
> runtime?
> Aggregation is most certainly an option. Can I write a tab separated
> text file and read that one in member.txt - would it be faster? Should
> I write one text file per user and read that file when needed?
> Anyone got any experience in doing this? How did you solve it?
> Thanks in advance. :)
Looks like you need as SQL database.
You may have to change your logic a little - I don't know enough of the
detaisl. But it's the right way to go.
You can implement a small, lightly loaded site like this in flat files,
as you're doing. But there comes a time where that is no longer
feasible, and it's time to start using a database of some sort - that's
what they were made for. And a SQL RDB makes a lot of sense.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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