Posted by G�rard Talbot on 11/24/06 19:03
Jim Moe wrote :
> Gérard Talbot wrote:
>>> I have never had any trouble making web pages & overcoming a few html
>>> challenges along the way. But I cannot figure out how to center a
>>> sentance or title under a picture. Do I need to use <caption> within
>>> the <table> tag? Thanks.
>> My recommendation:
>> <p style="text-align: center;"><img src="..." width="..." height="..."
>> alt="..."><br>Your sentence... </p>
> For the caption to center properly the <p> must be given the same width
> as the <img>.
What do you mean by "properly"?
Imagine this:
The "x" character is centered and the "y" character is centered too.
They just happened to be centered in 2 paragraph blocks which have a
specific width.
In my example, the width was not defined or, if you prefer, the width
was "auto". So, it was using as much as its container width was
providing. That's a lot more useful than setting the width of a
paragraph block.
remove blah to email me
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