Posted by BearItAll on 06/21/05 11:00
On Tue, 21 Jun 2005 05:31:48 +0000, Andrew DeFaria wrote:
> Dan Fulbright wrote:
>>> On my computer apache will see php in .php documents but not in .html
>>> documents. Can I configure apache to see php in .html documents? Or is
>>> this something that cannot be done at all?
>> Add this to .htaccess:
>> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html
> I don't think it particularly wise to have all .html files always treated
> and processed as .php files. That's why I said "If you want a .html file
> to be treated as a .php file then rename it".
Particularly unwise if the pages will be used on any other server than his
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