Posted by petersprc on 11/25/06 03:45
Try maybe:
echo "There are " . count($xml->xpath('/items/item')) . " top-level
lhenkel@gmail.com wrote:
> This is idiotic, but I can't figure this out:
> I can do this:
> $xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<items>
> <item><name>Lee</name><count>1</count></item>
> <item><name>Bill</name><count>5</count></item></items>');
> foreach ($xml->item as $item) {
> echo $item->name, '<br />';
> }
> But I can't figure how to tell I have 2 items. The obvious:
> print count($xml->item); // same for $xml->items
> and
> print $xml->item->length; // same for $xml->items->length
> They don't work the way I expect..
> This is my first foray into XML, so I'm sure I'm doing something
> stupid.. would anyone mind pointing it out?
> Thanks,
> Lee
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