Posted by Darsin on 11/26/06 17:52
I have three tables with there fields given in brackets:
User: [userId as int] (PK), [userName as navarchar]
Divisions: [divisionId as int] (PK), [divisionName as nvarchar]
DivisionsOfUsers: [userId as int],[divisionId as int]
the "DivisionsOfUsers" tables has many-to-many relationships between
userid and divisionId.
I would like to generate a result something like this:
Division1 Division2 Division3
User1 1 0 0
User2 0 0 1
User3 1 1 0
User4 0 0 0
and so on....
where "1" indicates that the given User-Division combination exists and
"0" denotes that it doesnt in the "DivisionOfUsers" table.
I have tried all sorts of joins to get this data. But was unable to do
I have been told that this is possible by a cross-tab query. I dont
know how to generate this query.
Can anybody give me a solution for this to be used in Sqlserver 2000 as
well as Sqlserver 2005.
Thanks in advance
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