Posted by Thomas Mlynarczyk on 11/26/06 21:03
Having experimented with the spl_autoload functions, the following questions
came to my mind:
1) In which order are the possible path/extension combinations tried by
spl_autoload()? It seems that "myclass.php" is always found before
"myclass.mod.php", regardless of the order in which extensions or include
paths are given.
2) Which PHP functions invoke autoload? is_subclass_of() seems to invoke it
for both parameters, even though it doesn't seem to make sense for the
second one.
3) If a class is not found, spl_autoload throws a LogicException. This is,
IMHO, a bit stupid for functions like class_exists(). Can this behaviour be
controlled somehow?
4) Having spl_autoload, is __autoload obsolete?
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