Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 11/27/06 13:54
Michael Fesser wrote:
> .oO(greedo@starschiffchen.de)
>>What I have is a range of integers, and I need those whose digits
>>alternate between odd and even. Example: 123456789. For that purpose I
>>have this thingy here:
>>settype($zee, "string");
>>if (($zee[0] % 2 != 0) && ($zee[1] % 2 == 0))
>> echo $zee . "<br />";
>>Just to be precise: I want to have $zee echoed, if the first digit is
>>odd and the second is even.
> Works here on PHP 5.2. What version do you use?
>>When the conditions are put like this:
>>if (($zee[0] & 1) && ($zee[1] & 0))
>>the exact same thing happens: it works with two odd conditions, but not
>>with one odd, one even.
> In this case the second condition will always be FALSE.
> It should be
> if (($zee[0] & 1) && !($zee[1] & 1)) {
> ...
> }
> Micha
No, it doesn't work here in PHP 5.2. It looks like it does in your case
maybe because you aren't displaying your errors?
Additionally, his test is perfectly correct. ($x % 2) will be zero for
even numbers and 1 for odd numbers.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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