Posted by Danny Boy on 11/27/06 17:31
Steve wrote:
> so this is not really about watermarking at all, right? you want to merge
> two images and show the composite. is this a more accurate
> description/interpretation?
> there is much to consider that you haven't mentioned. specifically do they
> simply overlap or should they merge at an intersection or defined point,
> must they be of the same size, if not same size then which size should be
> used, any cropping going on, what of aspect ratios, what of transparency
> levels, etc.?
> as for the html output, stay away from using frames! they aren't needed here
> anyway. display the images from each directory in a scrollable div and give
> a thumbnail of each. when two of them are selected, use dhtml and insert an
> img in a third div...the src of which may resemble:
> image.combine.php?images[]=one.image.jpg&images[]=another.image.gif
> the image.combine.php script just takes the images array from the query
> string and uses the gd library functions to return the composite. you can
> just as easily avoid using javascript by submitting the selected image names
> via a form rather than using dhtml and javascript.
> you may want to look up these functions in the php help files or googling
> them for examples on the web:
> imagecreatefromstring
> imagecopymerge
> if you intend to have the composite 'watermarked' in the traditional sense
> (as in stamping PROOF across a primary image), then do NOT rely on
> overlaying a div over a div!!! this is not secure in the least and is
> rediculously easy to hack...and retrieve a perfectly beautiful non-proofed
> primary image.
> depending on how involved you intend the user interface to be and how you
> answer my initial questions above, the time to produce such a script would
> range between an hour to a couple of days (most of that would be testing).
> none of this is difficult. i wouldn't pay more than $100 usd to have someone
> do it for you.
> hth,
> me
Hi Steve,
Thanks for reply.
Yes, I assume my description in the subject line wasn't the best.... sorry.
Regarding any cropping, etc: I am talking about hundreds of "bottom"
images and perhaps 30-40 "top" images. All "bottom" images will have the
same size/dimensions and all the "top" images will also have the same
size/dimensions. The insertion of the "top" images will always be at the
same spot on the "bottom" images and no cropping will occur. The "top"
images will be as png's with 100% alpha channel transparency.
Since there will be that many images involved, there will be no
scrolling divs or anything. Instead, the user will go to the section for
the "top" images and brows the categories and the various artwork which
will be displayed on several pages. When he has selected one, he will go
to the next section with the "bottom" images and select the one he
prefer. On a third page, the result will be displayed.
No, no frames will be involved <shudder />. You must have read something
I never wrote. ;-)
I will do the actual interface/page layouts in cooperation with the
programmer. The programmer "merely" need to make my idea come alive.
A million thanks for suggestions!
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