Posted by Harlan Messinger on 11/28/06 14:25
Dylan Parry wrote:
> Harlan Messinger wrote:
>> It amazes me that one should have to pay for this information.
> You'll probably find (especially in the UK, don't know about elsewhere)
> that what you are paying goes towards the wages of the many staff
> required to maintain such a database, including the surveyor who has to
> go out and geocode each new post/zip code.
The amount of effort involved in converting the database that the Post
Office maintains *anyway* for its own use into a CSV file and copying it
to the same location, plus the incremental cost for designing the page
that says, "Click here for the list," and storing and transmitting the
modest file, is far, far less than the revenue brought in by charging
every single person who wants the data $30.
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