Posted by John on 11/28/06 17:37
On Tue, 28 Nov 2006 09:51:41 +0100, Christoph Burschka
<christoph.burschka@rwth-aachen.de> wrote:
>John schrieb:
>> Hello,
>> I have a html message board / forums and would like to take the last
>> message posted and put it on the front of my website somehow. Does
>> anyone know of a program that would do this automatically?
>Question: What is an "html message board"? Surely the server side is
>powered with PHP or CGI? Where are the posts stored?
>I've done something this before with a message board that ran on another
>site and that didn't have a newsfeed (I wrote something that scraped the
>posts and returned an RSS feed). I don't recommend this if there is any
>other option.
>In your case, look first at what the supplier of your board software has
>to offer - possibly there is already a way to export an RSS newsfeed.
>It's very easy to use such a newsfeed to put the posts on your front page.
>The second option is to fetch the posts directly from the database (if
>one exists - I know some forums that use flat files, and maybe that's
>what you mean by "html").
Hi - you are right it's a flat file type of message boards that stores
the html files in a folder on my server. Therefore, there is no
database used. The author doesn't have an rss feed for this board.
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