Posted by Tony Rogerson on 12/02/06 13:35
Oh - you mean SQL Server 2007? Remember Mark Souza committed themselves to a
2 year release cycle....
If I sat down and worked it out then what we have now in terms of CTE's,
table structures, triggers I could do it - sadly, no time [at mo].
Tony Rogerson
SQL Server MVP
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"DA Morgan" <damorgan@psoug.org> wrote in message
> Tony Rogerson wrote:
>>> The only other databases that have abilities similar to those of
>>> an Oracle SEQUENCE are DB2 and Informix (only the most recent release).
>> What about ROWNUMBER() in SQL Server 2005 and PARTITION??
> Totally different capabilities.
> A sequence is not tied to a table: It is an independent object.
> One can use a sequence to number count by any increment positive or
> negative, assign the values to one table or to multiple tables, and
> to repeatedly cycle through a fixed set of numbers (min to max and
> back to min), and much more.
> Maybe in SQL Server 2009?
> --
> Daniel A. Morgan
> University of Washington
> damorgan@x.washington.edu
> (replace x with u to respond)
> Puget Sound Oracle Users Group
> www.psoug.org
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