Posted by Chaddy2222 on 12/03/06 04:03
Jonathan N. Little wrote:
> natashab wrote:
> > thank you for your total lack of support, in fact I find your replies
> > totally demeaning to the fact that I have created a sight with no html
> > knowledge, with no internet server, hosting etc experience what so
> > ever. I gave something a shot that I had an interest in.
> Not sure what type of "support" that you were expecting, some
> "Barney-fied" saccharine cheer that "Everyone's a star!" and "Your
> effort is all that counts!" Folks here expect when asked for advice to
> give *real* advice.
> > You all obviously have a far greater knowledge than myself but to put
> > me down and my attempts, I find is disgusting in the first degree.
> Why, would rather ask advice from someone who knows *less* than you do
> on the subject? You are not being put down but your work was criticized
> and problems were identified and solutions were supplied. Sounds like
> helpful advice to me.
> >
> > Yes I used freewebs, and redirected the domain name to it. This was
> > done for a specific reason. To get the site live without it costing
> > anything, without having to go to the expense of paying a hosting
> > company. It was a gift to the dance tutor.
> Sometimes "free" has a *real* price. There are some very real
> impediments to such arrangements and hosting. Can be a real handicap,
> especially for a beginner.
Ahh yes, maybe, maybe not.
> Yes it probably is well out of 1995. How else is one meant to learn
> > without trial and error.
> True, but would you not say that it would be easier to learn something
> correctly once, rather than learn an obsolete method only to have to
> unlearn it to relearn the correct method? BTW, the current method of
> HTML & CSS is far easier to maintain then à la 1995. There are other
> benefits as well.
I tend to agree, I have been designing sites (mainly as a hobby) since
2004 and started off without a clue about what HTML was. I am now at
the stage where I am starting to have a go at programming with PHP.
While still trying to advance my way through learning more CSS tips and
> > The coding change I talked about has nothing what so ever to do with
> > the frames and everything to do I believe with having sent the html
> > index file to friends to look at and then them sending it back to me
> > edited.
> >
> > I joined this group thinking I would gain an understanding to the
> > development on web design and learn more about coding.
> Which is exactly what BTS offered! Maybe you should traverse the link he
> suppled:
> See http://htmldog.com/
> I believe others here will agree that you will gain much from the
> information offered. Read it, digest it, try again with your site, and
> come back when you want some real dialog.
I agree.
> > The course I am on has again nothing to do with how I have coded the
> > site as I haven't even advanced to that point of correctly learning
> > HTML or even CSS!!!! So please do not be so down on my work or my
> > choice of education.
> Not sure what you hoped for? Would you attempts to build a house without
> researching carpentry, or farming without knowledge of seed, soil and
> fertilizer?
> > Unlike most of you that are most likely far enough qualified in this
> > field I am but a mere beginner, I didn't expect this kind of a slagging
> > down.
> Believe it or not we all were beginners. Whether or not you progress
> beyond such status depends on you and whether or not you are receptive
> to learning.
> > Oh and thanks to http://www.xs4all.nl/~waaij99/ for using the enquiry
> > form but for not actually bothering to fill it out properly. It would
> > have been nice to have actually received a comment or something rather
> > than use up one of the free queries just because you felt like clicking
> > to see what happens and to see how I had set this part of the site up.
> As he stated, he did nothing wrong. Links are to be used. If your form
> requires certain valid data, it is up to you, the designer, to put
> validation into your script. If not, your form is most likely a handy
> tool for hackers to relay spam. When you are ready to learn many here
> can advise you as to methods to secure your form.
Yes, this topic is a bit of a tricky issue, because even if you have a
really good server side script to process and validate the form, it
still runs the risk of just maybe being hacked. Or spammed.
> > You rudeness in totally thread jacking my thread to discuss many other
> > topics other than my introduction or to give me proper words of advice
> > on how to correct my errors and put me on the right path totally
> > astounds me!!!
> >
> > Now you may all be just as rude back but I feel I am just in sounding
> > off in this manner because this wasn't the welcome I expected what so
> > ever!!!!
> The only rudeness I have seen is your reaction. There were honest
> attempts to assist you in this thread.
> > Or do none of you have proper manner and are really as crass as I have
> > been led to believe about most Americans!!!!
> What can I say, this is not a productive way to ask for assistance, and
> does not speak well for your etiquette.
Yes and considering that the majority of people in this NG aint
americans....... That comment was well..... Dare I say it, rood and
quite nasty really.
Regards Chad. http://freewebdesign.cjb.cc
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