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Re: How do you design a website?

Posted by G�rard Talbot on 12/04/06 05:19

Ikke wrote :
> Hi everybody,
> First of all: I am a software developer, not a designer. When I start
> designing a website, first of all I list the things that need to be shown.
> Then I surf around for a while, looking for ideas, color combinations,
> layouts, etcetera...
> After all that, I start writing html/css and keep on altering what I have
> until I end up with a design I like.
> At my previous workplace, the designers always started out in Photoshop,
> creating the site until all the details were finished, after which they
> handed the result to the developers.
> I'd like to know which method people prefer, or if there are other ways of
> handling the design process.
> Thanks in advance for all suggestions and ideas!
> Ikke

Start with content. Then structure it. Then describe it with the best
semantic markup. Then make it accessible (with proper use of
accessibility elements/attributes: label, accesskey, summary, alt,
scope, etc.). If you do these first parts correctly, then your webpage
should render accordingly in various media (screen, print, handheld,
aural, etc). Then, and only then, style it with CSS. And then
javascript, if needed to enhance presentation, is after styling.

Ed Seedhouse gave you an excellent answer.

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