Posted by Martien van Wanrooij on 12/04/06 19:17
"Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> schreef in bericht
> OK, you think the class is populated correctly before you display a
> picture. Have you actually printed out the contents of $foto_array at the
> end of the getFromMySql() function? I never assume something should be
> there - I *always* print it out to make sure! :-)
Well I actually printed it out now just at the end of the getFromMySql()
function and curiously enough the whole array is printed. The only thing
that not works (when I retrieve the fotos with getFromMySql) is the foto 0
van 10 statement which should be foto 1 van 10, foto 2 van 10 and probably
for the same reason the reference to the previous foto is grayed out and
instead of the next foto a reference to the first one is made.
I also stored the array into a session but again without any result
BTW the code for instantiating the fotoclass is as follows
$title = " - Ceciliaviering 2006"?>
<?php include("header.php") ?>
<?php include ("fotoclas.php") ?>
<p class = "krktitel" align = "center">Ceciliaviering 2006<p>
<DIV STYLE="text-align:center">
$f = new fotoAlbum("q","ceci2k6.php");
commented out here but this is what works in other pages
$f->getFromMySql("ceci2k6"); //the function with which I have troubles
<?php include ("footer.php") ?>
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