Posted by Martien van Wanrooij on 12/05/06 06:27
"Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> schreef in bericht
> OK, I'm just having a little trouble understanding here. After your call
> to getFromMySql(), does the array actually contain the values
> "ceci2k600.jpg",
> "ceci2k601.jpg",
> "ceci2k602.jpg",
> "ceci2k603.jpg",
> "ceci2k604.jpg",
> "ceci2k605.jpg",
> "ceci2k606.jpg",
> "ceci2k607.jpg",
> "ceci2k608.jpg",
> "ceci2k609.jpg"
Yes it does.. but finally I found the solution, the problem was somewhere
else. I had used a script to add the filenames to the database and it turned
out in that script, some spaces were added to each. I used rtrim for the
result and everything works fine now. So in the database there was not
"ceci2k600.jpg" but "ceci2k600.jpg " .
Thanks for all the help anyway and sorry for having bothered you so much
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