Posted by 我有月半的媽咪貓! on 12/06/06 14:46
tyr to add
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
between <head> and </head>
and save your pages in "utf8 no bom" format
※ 引述《stop@spam.nl (Wouter)》之銘言:
> Tx!
> On 05-12-2006 14:44, in article
> 1165326264.669822.121180@f1g2000cwa.googlegroups.com, "Christoph Roeder"
> <phpmyforum@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > On Dec 5, 12:14 pm, Wouter <s...@spam.nl> wrote:
> > That's because you saved it with an editor which saves the file in
> > ISO-8859-1
> > So use another or use html-entities (what's no more needed with utf-8).
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