Posted by Jerim79 on 12/06/06 14:59
Jerim79 wrote:
> I was handed a voting form that the company has used in previous years,
> for updating. The first page is a form, asking for name, business name,
> title and email address(twice for verification). The form gets posted
> to a verfication PHP script that checks that the email addresses match
> and that the email address isn't already in the database. If there is a
> problem, it sends you back to the first form; if everything is okay it
> sends you on to the second form.
> The second form is the actual voting form. At the top of the screen,
> the customer's information is displayed for them, using PHP variables.
> So that name, business name, and title are at the top. Customer fills
> out the form and clicks submit. The form forwards to a PHP script for
> inserting the data into MySQL. This is where the problem comes in.
> Everything but the name, title and email address gets written to the
> database. I have checked my SQL query and it is find. My working theory
> right now is that the second form erases all variables from the first
> form, as for as the system is concerned. Here is a line of code from
> the second form:
> <form method="POST" action="check.php?email=<?php echo $email ?>">
> It looks like the origional program was passing email in the URL which
> would explain why email works but the name, business name and title
> don't. I think the origional coder knew the issue. I am looking for
> confirmation of my belief that only one set of variables can exist at a
> time, from a form for any given method. If that is true, how do I pass
> multiple variables in the URL above? I tried seperating them with
> commas or ?.
I was able to find that the & symbol is the seperator between multiple
variables. It is working now. I still haven't found confirmation that
only one set of POST or GET variables can exist at one time. If this is
true, I wonder how the problem is handled at larger companies where
multiple POST forms could make up a site. Certainly they don't resort
to URL GET as I could see how the strings could be quite long in some
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