Posted by Tony Marston on 12/06/06 15:28
"Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
> Tony Marston wrote:
>> "Michael Fesser" <netizen@gmx.de> wrote in message
>> news:4ud8n2dcgrj80p0c9dske38l4othi3c631@4ax.com...
>>>.oO(Jerry Stuckle)
>>>>You notice how Tony refuses to answer your question?
>>>>I'm wondering - does the term megalomaniac ring a bell? Or do you think
>>>> it's just that he's beyond stoopid?
>>>I don't know, but actually I don't really care at all. He has just
>>>proven that any attempt to further discuss these things doesn't make
>>>sense. He is always right, the rest of the world is wrong.
>> I am not wrong. I have made two simple statements that you cannot
>> disprove:
>> (a) In PHP interfaces are not necessary.
>> (b) Enapsulation does not mean that all variables must be declared
>> private or protected.
>> What's so difficult to understand about that?
> You're wrong because:
> (a) Interfaces, as defined in OO terms (which is what we were discussing,
> and PHP is an OO language) are necessary.
In PHP interfaces are NOT necessary.
> They are how you interact with the object, and
Wrong. You interact with an object by calling an object's method. The fact
that a method may have an optional interface declaration has nothing to do
with it.
> (b) Proper encapsulation means that all variables are defined as private,
Wrong. Encapsulation simply means putting all the data for an object, and
the operations which act upon that data, into a single class. There is no
requirement to make all the data private, as there is no requirement to make
any methods private.
> because the way the data is stored (variable name, data type, etc.) is a
> part of the implementation.
> And on this every industry-recognized expert agree.
Not everybody agrees with your description, industry expert or not. I
certainly don't
> It's even how they teach it in all of the College courses. But of
> course, they are all wrong, and only Troll Tony is right.
I am right in the following:
(a) In PHP interfaces are not necessary.
(b) Encapsulation does not mean that all variables must be declared private
or protected.
Tony Marston
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